Travel Grants

Travel grants are awarded every two months. Applications must be received by midnight the night before; February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1 and December 1.

Thanks for the application!

Please note that the fund has an automatic application system, so that applications received too late are taken into account in the next allocation.

All applications will be answered on the email provided here from the Iceland Music Export Grant email address grants are deposited into the account listed.

1/3 Applicant

The applicant is the person responsible for the application. It can be an individual or company on behalf of the musicians. In the event of a grant, the applicant will receive the grant to the account listed in this form.

Contact person for the application, if other than applicant.

If your application is successful, the amount will be transferred to this account. Note that the details given should match the applicants' other details.

2/3 About the project

Bibliography of the artist/applicant, career highlights and relevant milestones.

Links to the websites and social media/services related to the project.

Reason for travel*

Describe the purpose of the travel. When a concert tour, state the number of concerts, date, city and venue.

A condition for a travel grant is that the majority of applicants reside in Iceland or have a tax residency in Iceland. Please indicate the number of applicants of the application as well as their names, role and place of residence / tax residency for all applicants.

You can apply for a manager, agent, a sound engineer and others who are necessary for a live performance. Should they be outside the core group of performers, please explain the rationale.

Travel grants are a maximum of ISK 75.000 kr. per person for travel within Europe, ISK 100 thousand. for trips outside Europe and 50.000 kr. per person for domestic travelbut Professionals, e.g. agents, can apply for a grant for work-related travel between regions, e.g. to attend conferences and networking events. Note that this is a pilot project until the end of 2024.

Outline the rationale behind traveling to this market. Is there measurable demand for example on streaming services or social media? Are there partners or opportunities for collaboration in the area?

3/3 Application requirements

The application must meet all the requirements to be valid. A valid application does not guarantee allocation from the fund.

Add a link to your budget, make sure to have open access to a Dropbox or a Google Drive spreadsheet.

Budget template in Icelandic
Budget template in English

Travel grants are not allocated to applicants who have their travel costs paid for by other parties, for example a booker or the concert organiser. Note to add your own contribution in the budget.

Collect all relevant attachments in a folder and link to it here. You can use folders in Dropbox or Google Drive, for example

Note. it is necessary to configure the folder or document so that anyone with the URL can view it.

Submitting application, please wait …

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