74 projects awarded 77 million ISK from the Music Fund as part of its first 2025 distribution


Funding has been allocated across all divisions of the Music Fund, which was established this year based on the Music Act passed in May of last year. Applications for the fund opened in early September, with the deadline set for November 1st.

The role of the Music Fund is to strengthen Icelandic music, recording production, and development work within the Icelandic music industry by providing financial support. The fund also aims to promote Icelandic musicians and their creative work both domestically and internationally.

The fund is divided into four divisions, each with distinct focuses, designed to broaden the scope of support for projects that strengthen the music sector on a wide-ranging basis.

The Music Fund is overseen by the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs and managed by Iceland Music. The Minister appoints independent allocation committees for each of the fund's four divisions. These committees evaluate the eligibility of applications and provide recommendations to the Minister on how the funds should be distributed.

424 applications were received, with nearly ISK 700 million applied for. Grants amounting to ISK 77,033,000 were awarded to 74 projects, distributed across the fund’s four divisions as 

Creation and Publication Department - Music Grant

A total of 212 applications were submitted, amounting to ISK 286,451,578. Grants totaling ISK 28,215,000 were awarded to 30 projects. The highest project grants of ISK 1.5 million each were allocated to Bríet, Celebs, Elín Hall, hist og, Jelena Ciric, Jófríður Ákadóttir, Kári Egilsson, Sara Mjöll Magnúsdóttir, and Valdimar.

The application success rate was 14%, with 10% for classical and contemporary music, 18% for pop, rock, and indie, 12% for electronic music, and lower rates for other genres.

Of the total funds allocated, 16% went to classical and contemporary music projects, 53% to pop, rock, and indie, 16% to electronic music, and the remainder to other genres.

Live Performances Department - Performance Grants

A total of 106 applications were submitted, requesting ISK 143,299,178. Grants totaling ISK 18,584,000 were awarded to 25 projects. Barokkbandið Brák and Kammeróperan received the highest project grants, ISK 2 million each. Sinfóníuhljómsveit unga fólksins was awarded ISK 1.5 million, while Ensemble Adapter, Cantoque Ensemble, Sinfóníuhljómsveit Austurlands, Teitur Magnússon, and Þórunn Guðmundsdóttir each received ISK 1 million.

The success rate for applications was 24%. Of the allocated funds, 72% went to classical and contemporary music projects, 8% to pop, rock, and indie, 7% to jazz and blues, and the remainder to other genres.

No new long-term agreements were made in this allocation, but the following projects have agreements valid in 2025:

  • Nordic Affect: ISK 2.5 million (2025–2026)
  • Caput: ISK 6 million (2024–2026)
  • Kammersveit Reykjavíkur: ISK 5 million (2024–2026)
  • Cauda Collective: ISK 1 million (2024–2025)

Development and Infrastructure Department - Business Grants

A total of 84 applications were submitted, requesting ISK 237,758,241. Grants totaling ISK 23,830,000 were awarded to 13 projects. The highest grants of ISK 3 million were awarded to INNI, Jazzhátíð Reykjavíkur, and OPIA Community. The project Kona forntónlistarhátíð received ISK 2.5 million.

The overall success rate for applications was 15%. A total of 33% of the allocated funds went to projects that span multiple genres, 12% to classical and contemporary music, and the remainder to other genres.

No new long-term agreements were made in this allocation, but the following projects have agreements valid in 2025:

  • Myrkir músíkdagar: ISK 4 million (2025–2026)
  • Óperudagar: ISK 4 million (2024–2026)
  • Sönghátíð í Hafnarborg: ISK 2 million (2024–2026)
  • Reykholtshátíð: ISK 1 million (2024–2026)
  • Bræðslan: ISK 1.5 million (2024–2026)
  • Sumartónleikar í Skálholti: ISK 4 million (2024–2025)
  • Iceland Airwaves: ISK 6 million (2024–2026)
  • Mengi: ISK 3 million (2024–2025)

Export Department -  Marketing Grants

A total of 22 applications were submitted, amounting to ISK 31,610,146. Grants totaling ISK 6,404,000 were awarded to 6 projects. The largest grants went to Ólöf Arnalds (ISK 2 million) and Árný Margrét (ISK 1.5 million).

The application success rate was 27%. Of the allocated funds, 55% went to world and folk music projects, 25% to pop, rock, and indie, and 20% to classical and contemporary music.

Allocation by Gender, Regions, and Applicant Types

The majority of applications were submitted by projects with a male lead, representing 59.9%, while 39.9% came from female leads and 0.2% from non-binary individuals. The success rate was consistent with the distribution of applications.

Most of the Music Fund’s grants were awarded to individuals (39%), 30% went to companies, and the rest to associations, institutions, and other applicants.

The overall success rate for applications was 17%. Most funded projects took place in the capital region, receiving 69% of the allocated funds, which aligns with the proportion of applications from this region. The success rate for capital region projects was 16%. The highest success rates were 38% in the Suðurnes region, followed by 29% in East Iceland and the Westfjords.

Allocation Committees

Creation and Publishing Division:

  • Sindri Ástmarsson (Chair)
  • Hafdís Bjarnadóttir
  • Kristjana Stefánsdóttir

Live Performance Division:

  • Kristín Valsdóttir (Chair)
  • Guðmundur Birgir Halldórsson
  • Elfa Lilja Gísladóttir

Development and Infrastructure Division:

  • Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen (Chair)
  • Freyr Eyjólfsson
  • Melkorka Sigríður Magnúsdóttir

Export Division:

  • Sindri Magnússon (Chair)
  • Elíza Geirsdóttir Newman
  • Melkorka Ólafsdóttir

All allocated grants

Performance Grants:

Kammeróperan ehf.
Kammeróperan - Starfsárin 2025 - 2026
Allocated amount: 2,000,000 ISK

Barokkbandið Brák slf.
Verkefni og starfsemi Barokkbandsins Brákar 2025-2026
Allocated amount: 2,000,000 ISK

Sinfóníuhljómsveit unga fólksins
Starf Sinfóníuhljómsveitar unga fólksins árið 2025
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Ensemble Adapter slf.
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Kammerkórinn Cantoque
Starfsemi Cantoque Ensemble 2025 til 2027
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Þórunn Guðmundsdóttir
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Teitur Magnússon
Tónleikaferð til að kynna og fylgja eftir útgáfu plötunnar ASKUR
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Sinfóníuhljómsveit Austurlands
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

S.L.Á.T.U.R. samtök listrænt ágengra tónsmiða umhverfis Reykjavík
Rímnadanshljómsveit S.L.Á.T.U.R.
Allocated amount: 905,000 ISK

Sólfinna ehf.
Jón úr Vör fer vestur
Allocated amount: 700,000 ISK

Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir
Allocated amount: 600,000 ISK

Stefan Sand
Dýrin á Fróni
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Bylgjur í báðar áttir ehf.
Sóljafndægur - Samtíma tónleikaröð í Fríkirkjunni í Reykjavík
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Aduria ehf.
Ísl#nsk þjóðlö g
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Philip Michael Barkhudarov
Ritual of Commemoration - Kyrja performs Rachmaninoff's All-Night Vigil (Vespers) in Norðurljós
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Steinunn Vala Pálsdóttir
Ventus — Viibra á Myrkum músíkdögum
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Hildur ehf.
Myndræn tónleikaferð Hildar um landið
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Bryndís Pálsdóttir
Frumflutningur strengjakvartetts og fjögurra nýrra sönglaga eftir Jóhann G. Jóhannsson í Norðurljósum
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Töframáttur tónlistar sf.
Töframáttur tónlistar
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Sigmar Þór Matthíasson
Tónleikahald til að fylgja eftir þriðju plötu Sigmars Matthíassonar UNEVEN EQUATOR
Allocated amount: 400,000 ISK

Eva Þyri Hilmarsdóttir
Tónlist fyrir sálina
Allocated amount: 300,000 ISK

Allocated amount: 300,000 ISK

Sigrún Jónsdóttir
Monster Milk - Útgáfutónleikar
Allocated amount: 300,000 ISK

Björk Níelsdóttir
Bordúnpípur og látúnstrengir - baðstofubarokkstund á Innra-Hólmi 1810
Allocated amount: 300,000 ISK

Rósa Guðrún Sveinsdóttir
Útgáfutónleikar Dranga
Allocated amount: 279,000 ISK

Music Grants

S&J slf.
Jelena Ciric - Breiðskífa „Til fyrirmyndar“
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Jófríður Ákadóttir
The fourth album from JFDR
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Mt. Eliassen slf.
Fjórða hljómplata hist og - frá nótnablaði til plötubúðar
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Iceland Sync Management ehf.
BRÍET - Maybe Someday EP
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Kári Egilsson
Þriðja poppplata Kára Egilssonar
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Og stemning ehf.
Celebs - Upptökur og vinnsla á plötu
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Sara Mjöll Magnúsdóttir
Fyrsta plata Hammond kvartetts Söru Magnúsdóttur
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Elín Sif Halldórsdóttir
Elín Hall - Þriðja breiðskífa
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

GIMP Group sf.
Valdimar plata 5
Allocated amount: 1,500,000 ISK

Kristinn Þór Óskarsson
Önnur breiðskífa Superserious
Allocated amount: 1,200,000 ISK

AF Music ehf.
„Ég hugsa verkefnið sem einhverskonar sjálfsmynd“
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Þórður Magnússon
Þórður Magnússon, Solo Piano Works: Domenico Codispoti
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Arnar Ingi Ingason
Digital Ísland
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Tómas Jónsson
Útgáfa hljómplötunnar Tómas Jónsson 2
Allocated amount: 850,000 ISK

Kór Breiðholtskirkju
Fornir íslenskir jólasöngvar, hljóðritun til útgáfu
Allocated amount: 800,000 ISK

Eiríkur Rafn Stefánsson
Jólaplata með Sölku Sól og Stórsveit Reykjavíkur
Allocated amount: 750,000 ISK

Eyþór Ingi Jónsson
Upptaka á orgelplötu
Allocated amount: 750,000 ISK

Þuríður Jónsdóttir
Herbergi Lívíu
Allocated amount: 750,000 ISK

Áki Ásgeirsson
Rímnadans - Ný tónlist
Allocated amount: 750,000 ISK

Kammerkórinn Huldur
Heyrði eg í hamrinum
Allocated amount: 750,000 ISK

Breki Hrafn Ómarsson
Allocated amount: 750,000 ISK

Þórdís Gerður Jónsdóttir
Allocated amount: 645,000 ISK

Örn Gauti Jóhannsson
Hasar Breiðskífa
Allocated amount: 600,000 ISK

Austuróp - listhópur Fljótsdalshéraðs
Couples therapy
Allocated amount: 600,000 ISK

Egill Logi Jónasson
Strákurinn fákurinn - Upptaka á plötu
Allocated amount: 560,000 ISK

Party at My House
Allocated amount: 500,000 ISK

Katrín Helga Ólafsdóttir
arfi EP plata
Allocated amount: 460,000 ISK

Gyða Valtýsdóttir
Allocated amount: 350,000 ISK

Svanhildur Lóa Bergsveinsdóttir
Creation and recording of slóra´s next release
Allocated amount: 350,000 ISK

Oddur Blöndal
Upptökur á fyrstu breiðskífu Forsmán
Allocated amount: 300,000 ISK

Business Grants

Jazzhátíð Reykjavíkur
Jazzhátíð Reykjavíkur 2025-2027
Allocated amount: 3,000,000 ISK

OPIA ehf.
Áframhaldandi uppbygging OPIA Community
Allocated amount: 3,000,000 ISK

INNI Music ehf.
INNI LEIÐIR Composer & Producer Programme: Building an Infrastructure for Emerging Icelandic Artists
Allocated amount: 3,000,000 ISK

Kammerhópurinn Reykjavík-Barokk
Kona forntónlistarhátíð - Frumkvöðlar
Allocated amount: 2,500,000 ISK

Glapræði ehf.
Sátan 2025
Allocated amount: 2,030,000 ISK

Þjóðlagahátíð á Siglufirði
Þjóðlagahátíðin á Siglufirði 2.-6. júlí 2025
Allocated amount: 2,000,000 ISK

Ekkert stress ehf.
Extreme Chill Festival 2025
Allocated amount: 2,000,000 ISK

MBS Skífur ehf.
Mannfólkið breytist í slím 2025
Allocated amount: 1,600,000 ISK

Dillon ehf.
Nýbylgja á Dillon
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Tónlistarstarf í Hallgrímskirkju
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Prikið ehf.
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Flateyrarvagninn ehf.
Tónleikadagskrá Vagnsins 2025
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Bláa Kirkjan sumartónleikar
Sumartónleikaröð Bláu kirkjunnar 2025
Allocated amount: 1,000,000 ISK

Marketing Grants:

Ólöf Helga Arnalds
Efnissköpun og markaðssetning á plötunni Spíru
Allocated amount: 2.000.000 ISK

Árný Margrét Sævarsdóttir
Arny Margret - I Miss You, I Do
Allocated amount: 1.500.000 ISK

Hrafnkell Flóki Kaktus Einarsson
Kaktus Einarsson - Lobster Coda Extended Album & EU/UK Tour
Allocated amount: 1.000.000 ISK

Valgerður G Halldórsdóttir
Allocated amount: 750.000 ISK

Nína Solveig Andersen
Markaðssetning lúpínu í Bandaríkjunum 2025
Allocated amount: 600.000 ISK

Herdís Anna Jónasdóttir
Kynning á útgáfu verksins Kafka Fragmente eftir György Kurtág
Allocated amount: 554.000 ISK

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