
111 projects receive 97 million ISK from the Music Fund in the second allocation of 2024


For the first time, allocations are being made from all departments of the newly established Music Fund. This fund was created under the Music Act, which was enacted in May of last year. Applications for the fund opened at the beginning of April, with the deadline for submissions on May 21.

The Music Fund's mission is to support and promote Icelandic music, recording projects, and development work within the Icelandic music industry through financial assistance. Additionally, the fund aims to enhance the visibility and reach of Icelandic musicians and their compositions both domestically and internationally.

The fund is divided into four departments, each with a unique focus, designed to provide comprehensive support to projects that bolster the music industry on the broadest possible scale.

The fund received a total of 364 applications, and the total amount of grant applications was 631,093,159 ISK. 97,324,500 ISK was allocated to 111 projects, which are divided between the fund's four departments:

Original creation and release department

192 applications applied for 260,661,059 ISK. 48,712,000 ISK was allocated to 62 projects. The highest project grant went to Daníel Bjarnason, 2.9 million ISK, and Nýdönsk, 2 million ISK.

37% of the allocated amount went to projects in classical and contemporary music, 25% to pop, rock, and indie, and the rest to other musical genres. The success rate of applications is 33%, 36% for classical and contemporary music, 25.5% for pop, rock, and indie, and less for other music genres.

Live performance

97 applications applied for 133,183,356 ISK. 14,212,500 ISK was allocated to 22 projects. The Chamber Ensemble Elja received the highest project grant of 1.5 million ISK, and 1 million ISK went to Mugison, the Symphony Orchestra of South Iceland, Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson, and Akureyri's Orchestra.

84% of the allocated amount went to projects in classical and contemporary music, 10% to jazz and blues, and the rest to other musical genres. The success rate of applications is 24%, which is spread evenly between music genres and is therefore allocated according to the applications received.

  • One long-term contract was granted, a contract for two years: The chamber group Nordic Affect receives 2,500,000 ISK the group's concert program in 2025-2026.

Development and infrastructure

55 applications applied for 204,658,065 ISK. 25,600,000 ISK was allocated to 18 projects. The highest project grants of 1,000,000 ISK went to VibEvent, OPIA Community, Folk Festival in Siglufjörður, MetamorPhonics, WindWorks in the North, Reykjavík Early Music Festival, Múlinn Jazzklubbur, LungA, Ascension MMXXIV, and BIG BANG.

37% of the allocated amount went to projects that work across music genres, 28% to pop, rock, and indie, and the rest to other music genres, which is in line with the number of applications by music genre. The overall success rate of applications is 21%.

Three long-term contracts were granted:

  • Three-year contract: Iceland Airwaves receives 6,000,000 ISK in long-term funding for three years, 2024-2026, for the project "Sustainable showcase - the future direction of Iceland Airwaves".
  • Contracts for two years: Tónskáldafélag Íslands receives 4,000,000 ISK in a long-term grant for two years, 2025-2026 for Myrkra músíkdagar. 
  • Hlutmengi receives 3,000,000 ISK in a long-term grant for two years, 2024-2025 for the concert program in Mengi.

Export - marketing grants

20 applications applied for 32,590,629 ISK. 8,800,000 ISK was allocated to 9 projects. The highest project grants went to ADHD of 2 million ISK and Viibra of 1.5 million ISK.

45% of the allocated amount went to projects in jazz and blues, 26% to pop, rock, and indie, and the rest to other music genres, which is in line with the number of applications by music genre. The overall success rate of applications is 45%.

Distribution of grants based on gender, regions, and type of applicant

Most applications were received from projects where the representative of the application was a man, or 56.5%. 43% of applications were from women, and 0.5% from non-binary individuals. The success rate was in line with the percentage of applications.

Most of the Music Fund's grants were awarded to individuals, or 59% of the total. 19% went to companies, and other grants to non-profit organizations, foundations, and other applicants.

Most of the funded projects take place in the capital area. 78% of the awarded amount goes to projects there, which is in accordance with the applications received. The overall success rate was 30%, which is the same as the success rate of projects in the capital area. The success rate was the highest at 80% in the Westfjords, but the number of applications from other parts of the country than the capital area is so small that fluctuations in the success rate are very large.

Project grants went to:


Hringekjan ehf.

VibEvent: 1.000.000 kr

OPIA ehf.

Uppbygging OPIA Community: 1.000.000 kr

Múlinn - jazzklúbbur

Tónleikaröð Jazzklúbbsins Múlans í Tónlistarhúsinu Hörpu: 1.000.000 kr

Þjóðlagahátíð á Siglufirði

Þjóðlagahátíðin á Siglufirði 3.-7. júlí 2024: 1.000.000 kr

Sigrún Sævarsdóttir-Griffiths

MetamorPhonics- Tónlistariðkun og leiðtogafærni til farsælla og sanngjarnara samfélags: 1.000.000 kr

Aulos, félagasamtök

WindWorks í Norðri: 1.000.000 kr

Barokkbandið Brák slf.

Reykjavík Early Music Festival: 1.000.000 kr

LungA-Listahátíð ungs fólks

LungA Hvirfill: 1.000.000 kr

Studio Emissary ehf.

Ascension MMXXIV: 1.000.000 kr


BIG BANG - tónlistarhátíð fyrir unga áheyrendur: 1.000.000 kr

ÞjóðList ehf.

Vaka Þjóðlagahátið 2024: 600.000 kr

Jón Haukur Unnarsson

Mannfólkið breytist í slím 2024: 500.000 kr

Helgi Jónsson

Glatkistan - tónlistarvefur: 500.000 kr

MAKK ehf.

Mánu- og fimmtujazz á Le Kock: 500.000 kr

Byggðasafnið í Skógum

Jazz undir fjöllum: 500.000 kr


Daníel Bjarnason


Himnasending sf.

Raunheimar: 2.000.000 kr

Arngerður María Árnadóttir

Translations - útsetningar, tölvusetning, hljóðritun og útgáfa á breiðskífunni \Hik\"": 1.800.000 kr

Svartur jakki, félagasamtök

Óperan hundrað þúsund: 1.700.000 kr

Blístur sf.

MOVE upptaka og útgáfa á fyrstu hljómplötu sveitarinnar, tónleikahald og kynningar: 1.600.000 kr

Högni Egilsson

Alheimstár: 1.600.000 kr

Alium slf.

Wandering Beings hljóðplata: 1.500.000 kr

Kælan mikla ehf.

Kælan Mikla – fimmta breiðskífa – lagasmíðar, hljóðblöndun og markaðssetning: 1.200.000 kr

Tumi Árnason

SÓLVERK - tónleikar og upptökur á Jazzhátíð: 1.152.000 kr

Jose Luis A Anderson Esquivel

Andervel- full length album: 1.000.000 kr

Lúpus slf.

Píanó, elektrónik, strengir og slagverk: 1.000.000 kr

Kjartan Valdemarsson

Öræfi: 1.000.000 kr

Nivalis ehf

Árstíðir - Acapella plata: 1.000.000 kr

Hrafnkell Flóki Kaktus Einarsson

Kaktus EInarsson #3: 1.000.000 kr

Mikael Máni Ásmundsson

Guitar Poetry II: 1.000.000 kr

Lilja María Ásmundsdóttir

Imprint: 900.000 kr

Nína Solveig Andersen

Önnur plata lúpínu: Marglytta: 800.000 kr

Jóhann Helgason

JH: 800.000 kr

Daníel Guðmundur Hjálmtýsson

Önnur breiðskífa Daníels Hjálmtýssonar: 800.000 kr

Daði Birgisson

DAÐI Family Man Orchestra: 800.000 kr

Klara Ósk Elíasdóttir

HWD / HEIM: 800.000 kr

Sólfinna ehf.

Multiverse, ný hljóðritun: 800.000 kr

Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir

Songs of longing and love - nýr norrænn ljóðaflokkur: 700.000 kr

Elín Eyþórsdóttir Söebech

ELOS: 700.000 kr

Einar Rafn Þórhallsson

Duality: 700.000 kr

Elísabet Eyþórsdóttir

Symphony of Life: 700.000 kr

Jón Gunnar Biering Margeirsson

Hljómórar: 650.000 kr

Kristín Björk Kristjánsdóttir

Máttúra: 600.000 kr

Gunnar Guðbjörnsson

Sönglög óperutónskálda: 600.000 kr

Smekkleysa S.M. ehf.

Íslensk kórtónlist - safnútgáfa: 600.000 kr

Finnur Karlsson

Nýtt verk fyrir Kór Hallgrímskirkju og Kammersveit Reykjavíkur: 600.000 kr

Halldór Smárason

Undir píanóinu: 600.000 kr

Anna Sóley Ásmundsdóttir

Painting Reality Photographing Fiction: 600.000 kr

Rebekka Blöndal

Önnur plata Rebekku Blöndal \Að því sögðu...\"": 600.000 kr

Ragna Kjartansdóttir

Immersive House Music: 600.000 kr

Bjargmundur Ingi Kjartansson

Volrutpus - Vault 1 (2014-2024): 600.000 kr

Sólfinna ehf.

Hljóðritun kvartetts Sunnu: 600.000 kr

Ragnheiður Ingunn Jóhannsdóttir

Í draumheimum - pöntun tónverka Jóhanns og Sigurðar fyrir ljóðatónleika Ragnheiðar og Evu: 600.000 kr

Ægir Sindri Bjarnason

Ægir (ásamt ýmsum) - BRIDGES III: 500.000 kr

Brynja Bjarnadóttir

Brynja - önnur breiðskífa: 540.000 kr

Árni Grétar Jóhannesson

Vatn og raf - 500.000 kr

Andri Pétur Þrastarson

Gosi - Á floti: 500.000 kr

Auður Guðjohnsen

Hljóðritun á 12 sönglögum eftir Auði Guðjohnsen úr söngbókinni Tónlistin er þín: 500.000 kr

Guðný Margrét Eyjólfsdóttir

Close enough: 500.000 kr

Ari Frank Inguson

Blekkingardans: 500.000 kr

Artifex sf

Jarðljós: 500.000 kr

Þórður Kári Steinþórsson

Kosmodod - Debut: 500.000kr

Iuliia Vasileva

Recording and releasing the full-length experimental electronic dron/doom metal album: 500.000 kr

Lilja Eggertsdóttir

Í Tónlistarlandi - barnalög: 500.000 kr

Brynjar Daðason

A Little Bit Spiritual: 500.000 kr

Díses slf.

Pale Moon, El Cal Eril þröngskífa (Vinnuheiti): 500.000 kr

Júlía Mogensen

Upptökur og útgáfa á hljómplötu sem ber titilinn: \'Endurómur, fjögur verk fyrir dórófón og rými\': 500.000 kr

Andlag slf.

Atli Heimir Sveinsson - sönglög með gítar: 500.000 kr

Helgi Örn Pétursson

Osme, tónsmíðar og upptökur: 500.000 kr

Gísli Galdur Þorgeirsson

Tónlist við heimildarmyndina \Síðasta verk Gunnars  (Gunnar´s last project)\"": 500.000 kr

Logi Pedro Stefánsson

REFUR: 500.000 kr

Björg Catherine Blöndal

Wild Blue Yonder - upptökur og útgáfa á breiðskífu: 500.000 kr

Ingibjörg Ýr Skarphéðinsdóttir

Flautukonsert: 500.000 kr

Benedikt Hermann Hermannsson

Benni Hemm Hemm - einsöngsverk: 490.000 kr

Berta Dröfn Ómarsdóttir

Bernskuslóð: 450.000 kr

Andrés Þór Þorvarðarson

Andrés - \Ég gefst alltaf upp\" Sólóplata": 300.000 kr

Af hverju ekki ehf.

Strengjavera album by Jack Armitage released on Mengi Records: 130.000 kr


Elja kammersveit

Elja kammersveit: 1.500.000 kr

Mugiboogie ehf

100 Kirkjur í 100 Póstnúmerum: 1.000.000 kr

Sinfóníuhljómsveit Suðurlands ehf.

Skólatónleikar Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Suðurlands 2024: 1.000.000 kr

Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson

Ragnarök: örlög goðanna: 1.000.000 kr

Michael Jón Clarke

Hljómsveit Akureyrar 2.- 5. starfsár: 1.000.000 kr

Hildigunnur Halldórsdóttir

15:15 tónleikasyrpan: 544.500 kr


Mótettur Bachs í Hallgrímskirkju: 500.000 kr

Brekvirki ehf.

Sumartónleikaferð BREK ásamt Hank, Pattie & the Current: 500.000 kr

Gyða Valtýsdóttir

EPICYCLE: 500.000 kr

Björg Brjánsdóttir

Earth Song, Magnesia og Knega: 500.000 kr

Álfheiður Erla Guðmundsdóttir

Álfheiður & Kunal / sumarsería: 500.000 kr

Lúpus slf.

Tónlist eftir Úlf Eldjárn fyrir píanó, elektróník, slagverk og strengi: 500.000 kr

Pétur Eggertsson

Chamber Music IV á Hamraborg Festival: 400.000 kr

Andrew Junglin Yang

3rd International Westfjords Piano Festival: 400.000 kr

Björn Thoroddsen

Gítarveisla Bjössa Thor: 300.000 kr

Aulos, félagasamtök

Tónleikarferð innanlands á WindWorks  í Norðri: 300.000 kr

Rúnar Óskarsson

Bassaklarínettuhátíð í Hörpu: 300.000 kr

Katrín Helga Ólafsdóttir

Sumartónleikar í Iðnó: 300.000 kr

Bylgjur í báðar áttir ehf.

Ilm og ómleikar og þá birtist sjálfi á Óperudögum 2024: 260.000 kr

Ingi Bjarni Skúlason

Ingi Bjarni Trio - Tónleikaferð um Ísland til að kynna nýja plötu: 250.000 kr

Af hverju ekki ehf.

Creating a live coding community in Iceland: 158.000 kr


Blómi sf

ADHD tónleikaferðalög 2024 og 2025 um Evrópu og kynning á nýrri hljómplötu sveitarinnar: 2.000.000 kr

marvaða ehf.

viibra - fyrsta plata flautuseptettsins viibra: 1.500.000 kr

Blístur sf.

MOVE upptaka og útgáfa á fyrstu hljómplötu sveitarinnar, tónleikahald og kynningar: 1.000.000

Mikael Máni Ásmundsson

Markaðssetning á tónlist og tónleikum Mikaels Mána í Þýskalandi og nágrannalöndum: 1.000.000 kr

Margrét Ósk Gunnarsdóttir

Supersport! „Allt sem hefur gerst“: 1.000.000 kr

marvaða ehf.

Útgáfa þriðju breiðskífu CYBER: SAD ;\'(: 1.000.000 kr

Díses slf.

Carpets Cables and Sweaty Hearts: 500.000 kr

Magnús Örn Thorlacius

Markaðssetning þriðju breiðskífu Myrkva: 500.000 kr

marvaða ehf.

Útgáfa singúlanna Say Goodbye og Kagami No Naka No Zuygatsu: 300.000 kr

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